What to do after Graduation?

It is that time of the year yet again, and for many students, all those countless nights of heavy studying have come to an end! All that hard work and dedication has paid off and that feeling of walking up on stage and receiving that hard-earned diploma is near! Indeed, graduation is an exciting time, but what comes afterwards? While very interesting, it can also be scary to step out of the academic life and into the real world, which is filled with uncertainty.

How To Use TRU’s Zero-Waste Stations Correctly

I believe that many of you have seen TRU Sustainability Office Zero-Waste Stations before, which are located everywhere on campus. On a campus with more than 28,000 students and more than 2,000 employees, it is important to use the Zero-Waste Station correctly and take action of reducing waste in order to achieve TRU’s Zero-Waste Goal!