Staying Active at TRU

Staying active is a vital part of a healthy life. Physical activity liberates endorphins and I always find that when I engage in activities that keep me moving I feel happier and more relaxed throughout the day.

Staying active becomes even more important during university when all you want to do is either watch Netflix or study to not fail your next test. TRU is very aware of the need for recreation activities, and so has many for its students:

Tournament Capital Center

As a TRU student, you have the chance to make use of the TCC pool and track for free! You also get a discounted membership for about $30/month that gives you access to all other facilities such as the gym.

The TCC pool and track are open from Monday to Friday from 6:00am to 11:00pm, and on weekends from 7:30 am to 9:00pm.

Fitness Classes

TRU also has many fitness classes that are free for students, staff and faculty. The most popular being Zumba and Yoga, which not only keep you active but also is an opportunity to meet new people and stay grounded. For more information on the class schedules, visit TRU Recreation.

Drop-in Sports

Do you not have the time to fully commit to a team sport? No worries! TRU counts with drop-in games of soccer, badminton and volleyball. This is great for busy students who miss playing sports but can’t do the time commitment. These drop-in games are played at the TRU Gymnasium, are completely free and only open to TRU students and staff! Learn more about the schedule here.


Throughout the week, Campus Recreation organizes a variety of non-competitive, leisure team sports in the TRU Gym. Teams will receive a playing schedule with allocated playing times. All you have to do is pick your sport (indoor soccer, basketball, volleyball, floor hockey) and sign your team up! You can learn more about Intramurals at the TRU Recreation website.

AdventureU Club

The TRUSU AdventureU Outdoor Club is another great place to meet new people while staying active! Not only that, but it’s a great opportunity to discover spots in and around Kamloops, and if you are passionate about nature, you’ll just love it! Follow them on Instagram and Facebook to know what they’re up!

Have you gone to any of these activities? Did you like them? Let us know in the comments below!

Kamloops, BC, Canada

By Liliana Ortega

Liliana is a Science students at TRU. Originally from Mexico, she enjoys cooking, helping animals and reading. You can reach her at or @lov4