Introduction To The TRU Classroom

Course formats

Most TRU courses include 3-4 hours of class per week. Courses are offered in the following formats:


A lecture is a formal presentation given by an instructor to the entire class. Most courses have 3 to 5 hours of lecture class each week.


Seminar class typically includes discussions on the assigned reading, class presentations and/or group activities.


Lab class is a supervised class where students learn practical applications of theory learned in lectures.

Understanding the course schedule

Classes run from 8:30 in the morning to 9:30 in the evening, Monday to Friday. Courses can be scheduled back to back – classes end 10 minutes early to give students time to change classes.

M = Monday    T = Tuesday    W = Wednesday    R = Thursday    F = Friday

Building Codes:

  • OM = Old Main building
  • IB = International Building
  • AE = Arts & Educational building
  • S = Science building
  • TT = Trades and Technology
  • HL = House of Learning
  • CT = Clock Tower

Student evaluation

On the first day of class, your instructor will hand out a course outline or syllabus that you will follow throughout the term. It will provide important details on class readings, exams, and assignments. At university, students are expected to take charge of their own learning and success, so be sure to see your professor for the syllabus if you missed the first lecture. You will also be responsible for any course material you may miss during the term. There are three main methods of student evaluation at TRU:


TRU has an Attendance Policy that states that a registered student is expected to attend the first class for each course in which they are registered. A registered student who does not attend the first two events (e.g., lectures/labs/ etc.) of their course(s) and who has not made prior arrangements acceptable to the instructor(s) may, at the discretion of the instructor(s), be considered to have withdrawn from the course(s) and have his/her course registration(s) deleted.

  • It is very important to attend all of your classes and not be late
  • Missing classes could affect your final grade
  • Notify your instructor if you must miss a class, and ask them what you missed


In many courses, you will be expected to discuss your opinions, ideas, and perspectives related to the coursework, readings, and assignments. You may even be graded on your participation. The goal of classroom participation aligns with the broad academic skills of critical thinking, connecting and creating ideas, and defending perspectives or arguments. Therefore, memorizing lecture notes and course materials is important but often not sufficient for the best results.


Instructors may assign term papers, essays, problem sets or other assignments like group projects, oral presentations, or lab projects.


Most courses have two major exams: mid-term and final exams. Your courses may have one mid-term halfway through the term or several mid-term exams throughout one semester. Final exams occur at the end of each semester during exam periods in December and April. Exams will test your knowledge using varying formats, such as short/long answers, essay questions, true or false, and multiple choice. Make sure you familiarize yourself with common key terms and content words used in essay questions, such as analyze, contrast, prove, and explain.

Final exams

You’ll have to be available for exams during the entire exam period. Exam schedules are posted in the middle of the semester. Don’t make arrangements for end-of-term travel until you see your exam schedule. Prepare for your exams by:

  • Getting your readings done well in advance
  • Checking your personal exam schedule online
  • Checking TRU’s Examination Policy and Regulations which also includes steps to be taken in the event of a missed exam


Students are responsible for checking the final examination schedule which shall be posted each semester by the Registrar, and for advising the Registrar of any conflicts within the schedule.


In general, only illness (written excuse from doctor required) and domestic affliction will be considered as valid reasons for a missed examination. Should either of these occur and remedy is sought, the Registrar’s Office must be notified within two (2) days following the scheduled date of the missed examination.

No provision will be made to make up missed examinations caused by a misreading of the schedule.

In cases where, in the judgement of the Registrar’s Office, other circumstances clearly beyond the control of the student, have led to a missed final exam, consideration may also be given. Please contact your instructor or faculty as the first point of contact.


Classes are taught by professors. Be sure to speak to your professor if you:

  • Cannot submit your assignment on time
  • Will not be able to attend a class
  • Don’t understand a concept that was covered in class
  • Are feeling overwhelmed by your course load due to circumstances outside of the course
  • Need more information about an essay, project, or other assignments


Most instructors hold office hours which are times you can drop by to discuss course materials, assignments, questions, and other concerns. Office hours should be on the course outline, on moodle, or some other accessible place for students. You can also schedule an appointment with professors by emailing them and setting up a time.

You can also search your professor’s office location, phone number and email at the TRU Telbook.


Each professor is different, but student-faculty relationships are different at university than they might be in secondary school or in other countries:

  • Relationships are informal and you may hear students call some instructors by their first name
  • Talk to your instructor, ask questions, visit your instructor during office hours
  • Professors have different teaching techniques

Plagiarism and citation


Plagiarism is the act of submitting the intellectual property of another person as your own. It is one of the most serious academic offences. Penalties for plagiarism may range from a failing grade in a course to suspension from the University. For a full list of what qualifies as plagiarism, cheating, and academic misconduct, visit TRU’s Student Academic Integrity. Some acts include:

  • Copying all or a part of another person’s work and presenting it as your own
  • Allowing another student copy from a test paper or assignments
  • Purchasing a paper from someone (or a website) and presenting it as your own
  • Using the course textbook, electronic devices, or other materials such as a notebook not authorized for use during a test
  • Collaborating during a test with any other person by receiving information without authority
  • Using exam aids or other non-authorized materials during a test (e.g., notes, formula lists, crib sheets etc.)


Intellectual property includes ideas, arguments, phrases, sentences, paragraphs, or results of research.  When you use excerpts from someone else’s work in your essay, paper, or presentation, you must acknowledge the original author in a footnote or another accepted manner of citation. The TRU Library can help you with proper citation.


It is your responsibility to be aware of University regulations. A complete listing of academic regulations that apply to every student at TRU can be found in TRU’s Academic Integrity Policy.

Academic resources

Kamloops, BC, Canada

By TRU World

TRU World is the international education, training, and development division at Thompson Rivers University.