TRU Generator: Start Your Entrepreneurial Journey

Have you ever gone to the HOL elevator and saw there is a button for the basement? Well, it’s not just garbage bins and storage down there, the basement of HOL is where the TRU Generator is located!

For those of you who do not know, the TRU Generator is a place for young entrepreneurs and people interested in business to hang out, ask questions, and learn tricks to become successful entrepreneurs.  The TRU Generator will help develop life skills and teach you how to take an entrepreneurial approach to build your business or career.

The generator is powered by Kamloops Innovation Centre (KIC) and puts on lots of events throughout the semester. TRU Generator’s Startup Basics Series highlights different aspects of running a business and different tools that you may need such as social media for startups, how to write a business plan, and more. Startup Coffee is another event hosted by the generator where new business ideas are discussed with experienced mentors all over a cup of coffee from Common Grounds Café. You can learn more about the upcoming events here.

Students can use the space as a study room or can ask the staff questions about starting businesses and what to do next. If you want to be involved with the generator, they are taking applications for students who want to get trained and help run the space. The TRUSU ICE Club (Innovation, Creativity, and Entrepreneurship) has a partnership with the TRU Generator and club meetings are held in the space every Tuesday at 5:30 pm.

The TRU Generator is open on Tuesdays (2:30 – 4 p.m), Wednesdays (1 – 4 p.m. ) and Thursdays (1 – 4 p.m.).


If you have any questions, you can email them at or follow them on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.

Kamloops, BC, Canada

By maallentruca

Madison is a fourth-year student majoring in Marketing and minoring in International business student doing a Co-op for the International Marketing Department at TRU World. She is passionate about travelling, taking photos, and the entrepreneurship that she leads. You can reach Madison at