Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone as an International Student

As an international student, going abroad always brings so many new opportunities and wonderful experiences, but it also needs time to set up a new life. 

At TRU, I love that I can meet new people, learn about new cultures and have many supportive communities. Looking back at my experience, I am so happy that I decided to step out of my comfort zone.

Furthermore, studying at TRU made me feel comfortable in the new situation in my life. Here are some things that helped me to set up my new life easier:

Make a list of places that you want to visit before you graduate

Having a list of tourist attractions, unique restaurants, and special events that always encouraged me to get out and experience the new city! Finding the places from the internet or friends, or social media (check out ourtru). I save all my list of places in Google Map and organized all places as Want To Go, and Starred Places, which I got to those places already. 

Go to events!

This summer on July 1st, one of the biggest events: Canada Day. It is one of my favourite events in Kamloops: at Riverside Park. They always have food, activities, music, culture, fireworks and more. Every time when I go to different events and meet new people and culture, it really helps me engage with the community. You also can find a lot of information about events online or from TRU.

Become a volunteer

Volunteering is an excellent way to get involved in communities. Also, it helps me feel part of something outside my friends. I know that it was hard to look for volunteer opportunities, so here are some useful websites that I use for searching for volunteer opportunities:

Check out Career Service, it provides volunteer opportunities both on-campus and off-campus. If you are planning to volunteer in Kamloops, check out Volunteer Kamloops, and don’t forget to complete a Volunteer Application and to set up an appointment.

Find things that you enjoy the most

Did you know that there are more than 100 lakes in the Kamloops area? One thing I love about my life here is that there are so many more places for outdoor activities and recreations. I believe that Kamloops is one of the best places for outdoor activities, and there is absolutely more than your expected places to discover or to spend the day hiking. It is always nice to get to those lakes where I can feel comfortable and have inspirations because of the serene and peaceful nature. 

What about you? Let us know your favourite ways to get out of your comfort zone.

Kamloops, BC, Canada

By Yuli

3rd-year Tourism Management student from China. Loves hiking, Zumba, and try new food :) Please reach me at