Adventure Tourism Field School: My Experience with Field Trip

Nearly getting done with the summer session? But do you know that TRU opens the coolest course every summer!

No matter how many final exams, college papers and 8:30 am classes I have, there is something about this summer that I have been eagerly waiting for – Adventure Tourism Field School – Domestic (ADVG 4130).

A field trip is an important factor for all student’s undergraduate experience. The experiences often provide outside activities and opportunities for students to explore things and learn about them in an unstructured way, which separates from their school education. 

Nevertheless, it also a journey of change to me. 

This summer, I finished my ten-day field trip with a really supportive team. During the trip, we went to different first nations communities, which included: Xatśūll, ?Esdilagh, Esk’etemc and Simpcw. The first nation communities present unique experiences for exploring any of the landscape, culture, identity, story and more. It was a unique and unforgettable journey for me.

Especially as an international student, this field trip as a most crucial element for me to get close to the community, the culture and nature.

Craig Campbell (second from right) and Thomas Schoen (first from right) were leading “Trails to Reconciliation Field School” program

The two professors, Craig Campbell, who teaches the class with such encouragement and enthusiasm that I would regret missing this grand opportunity if I were not enrolling in this class; Thomas Schoen, who is a Director for the Williams Lake Cycling Club, the Aboriginal Youth Mountain Bike Program and is the President of the Cariboo Mountain Bike Consortium.

If you are interested in indigenous culture and want to find the answer to what is reconciliation…

If you are interested in mountain biking, you will meet so many very professional builder and designers, who are working with you to help your learning…

You may have an opportunity to reach a cave…

Photo by: Craig Campbell

If you want to live in this cozy Tiny House…

If you love nature and love being outside…

This class is the class that you never want to miss out! It will open every summer and has an upgraded structure every time. All you need is permission from the professor, Craig Campbell. This class not only focusing on sustainable trail development and meeting the people behind the trails, but will also offer the opportunity for students engaging with first nation communities, and studying policy and planning.

Now that we have all returned, and it is fair to say that this field trip has been successful (Also, considering it is the program’s third year)! The ten-day went by too fast and I remember that I spent most of that time laughing and of course learning. It is a journey to look forward to discovering new people, a new language, a new landscape, and new skills. Moreover, looking forward to listening to stories and songs as well as learn more about the history of Canada.

For more information keep following TRU Tourism Management, TRU Adventure Studies

Check out the Student Off-Campus Safety and Travel Policy

Kamloops, BC, Canada

By Yuli

3rd-year Tourism Management student from China. Loves hiking, Zumba, and try new food :) Please reach me at