Just B.I.S-ing Around

Thompson Rivers University has a lot to offer. The list of programs to take is growing every year, and in some cases, new programs are cropping up here that aren’t offered at many other universities. A particularly interesting program offered at TRU is the Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies. (The Bachelor of Inter-what?) Let’s find out more…

In a nutshell, BIS is a two-year degree program that you can enter after completing your first two years of undergraduate study. Simple enough, right? The twist is, you get to design your own degree for the last two years, taking courses across all faculties and disciplines! You could mix business with psychology or visual art with biology. Within the BIS degree, you may also receive credit for relevant work experience and conduct independent research. The sky is the limit!

You might be thinking, yeah that sounds great, but what do I do when I graduate? This is a valid question. The answer is unique to every person. All in the same class, there may be students in tourism, education, or adventure studies. You may also focus on streams leading into pre-law, pre-architecture, or pre-medicine. There is a huge opportunity to blaze your own trail.

For example, combining a two-year business diploma with courses related to psychology and communications could set you up with the knowledge to become a marketing strategist!

My journey through the BIS degree began after I finished a two-year Business Administration diploma. At TRU, I have been taking classes in Communications, Sociology, Economics, and History. Now in my final year, I have the opportunity to do an undergraduate research thesis. Over the last two years in BIS, I have helped coordinate an academic conference at Capilano University, presented on a research panel, worked as a research assistant and a teaching assistant, and coordinated the social media page for the Undergrad Research Conference (coming again in March 2019)! It has been a whirlwind of fun and I’ve made many rewarding relationships as a result of the diversity in my program. 

No two careers are alike in the BIS degree! Graduates have found careers in aviation, professional photography, adventure therapy, social work, and more!  At the end of the day, there is always a little uncertainty about what comes next. You know what you can be certain about? Taking the courses and designing a career that you are PASSIONATE about! It sounds cliche, but building an enjoyable career from the start will keep you inspired, no matter which direction you go!

To find out more about the Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies program, visit tru.ca/bis

If you have any questions, feel free to email me at alexi@ourtru.ca!

Kamloops, BC, Canada

By Alexi Orchard

Alexi is a Fall 2018 Social Media Ambassador for TRU World. She is a Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies student and an avid cat lover. Reach out to her at alexi@ourtru.ca.