20 Things Every TRU Student Has Done

University students are a special kind. Here are 20 things every TRU student has done:

Pulling an all-nighter at the OM computer labs

Being late to class because you had to stop to get some coffee at Starbucks or Tim Horton’s

Enjoying the happy hour at The Den

Hanging out with the therapy dogs on Thursdays

Taking a nap at the Main Library

Attending school events mainly for free food

Taking a break from classes to play table tennis at the TRUSU building

Attending at least one WolfPack game

Having to run for your life to get on the last bus

Spend more than 20 minutes looking for parking

Signing up for intramurals

Feeling exhausted after going up 4 flights of stairs at the Science Building

Checking your professor at RateMyProfessor.com

Going to Sun Peaks after class

Falling because of the snow

Getting a cup of tea at the Wellness Centre

Going to class hungover after a night out

Skipping class to study for another class

Eating pizza every day during finals week

Attending at least one dorm party at McGill, New Rez or UCH (or all!)

And this, folks, is what life at TRU can be like! Comment below how many of those have you done, and don’t forget to tag your #TRUfam

Kamloops, BC, Canada

By gasuazo96

third year MarCom student surviving my last years of university, I enjoy listening and discovering new music as well as meeting new people! also I'm from Honduras